Thursday, July 19, 2012


I see Facebook gym check ins all the time that look like this:

2 hours in the gym, or 2nd time in the gym today.

Okay...I have to touch on this. Athletes do 2 a days. If you are not an athlete there is no reason to be killing yourself in the gym twice a day or for 2 hours. 1 hour a day is JUST fine. OVER TRAINING can actually get you hurt. Sure at first it'll seem to be working but then you will notice you are getting sick more because your immune system is crashing. YOU ARE OVERWORKING YOURSELF. Sure, athletes or competitors are doing it but keep in mind they have worked up to it and its for a purpose. If losing weight or toning up is your goal, an hour should do the trick. Unless I am doubling up on classes or doing a cardio class after lifting, I have better things to do than be in a sweaty gym for 2 hours and I am sure you do too!

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