Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yay! Yay! Measurements day!

It was measurements day! I look forward to this day and dread it at the same time. I will either be super proud of the results or if it isn't good it could totally derail me. I never know but I know I have worked hard. Taking a break from cardio last week because of my foot on top of an extra cheat meal (Whataburger) made my weight jump back to 138. Today I was back down to 133.5 which made me happy. I was stressing about the burger and not doing enough cardio. Just goes to show that a crappy diet regularly can really take its toll. 

My body fat % starting off was 31%. Today I was down to 21.6%. I posted a chart below. I am in the fitness range now but so so close to athlete! I was shooting for 20% now I am shooting for 15%. My waist since May has dropped a total of about 5 inches. Yay!

 Eating healthy and sufficient cardio is the key!! 

From this day on, when I look back on the past, I will smile and say to myself "I never thought I could do it...but I did....I overcame all the people who tried to bring me down."

That little voice saying "you cant" sounds so small, almost absent. Now I hear "You can. You did." 

Body Fat % Description Women Men
Essential fat 10–13% 2–5%
Athletes 14–20% 6–13%
Fitness 21–24% 14–17%
Average 25–31% 18–24%
Obese 32%+ 25%+

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